The Flowerpot Project (TFP)


{An Action of “Doing Good” That Brings the Light of hope & honor}

about this project

TMA’s proposal is to put large flowerpots (Self-Watering Planters) with seasonal flowering plants in every place where citizens have been slain on these city streets. 

Currently, those who love and remember the victims have created makeshift shrines by putting various items in those places where their loved ones were killed. These shrines are supposed to remind us of the crime that was done here, discourage this wrongful act from happening again, or bring light as to who committed this crime.

However, instead of the shrines doing that, these shrines contribute to the blight of the neighborhood. People look away from them, no light comes from the presence of the shrine, many people in the neighborhood complain about them, wrongful acts continue. Worse, family members of the slain return to many of the sites and find the items have been removed from that spot.

On the other hand, flowers bring light, and put smiles on people’s faces and in their hearts. We look toward flowers not away from them. Our memorial flowerpots will be decorative and colorful and include the name of the deceased and the name of the flowerpot sponsor.

TMA has developed and patent (pending) a unique barcode or QR code that will revolutionize how we get information to people in all communities by using these flowerpots as beacons of hope, directing people to information about our efforts to improve their lives, and the different resources & services in our communities to help them (if you have a QR reader you may click the code on the photo). 

Additionally, it is our plan to offer links to ways people can give information whether the flowerpot represents an unsolved murder, human trafficking, bullying, suicide, kidnapping, domestic abuse, etc.

An organization or a person will be responsible for the upkeep of each flowerpot and the flowers (a plan in which TMA has designed).

Even the family of the slain can become a part of the upkeep of the pots, because now it represents their loved one in a manner that is quite respectful and puts the brightness of light into their hearts. They can visit as often as they wish and watch light coming from the flowers planted in the pot that has their loved one’s name on it. 

Other positive results from these permanent flowerpots are that they act as a reminder to us all, they encourage us to unify as caring people, they are a beacon of hope in a sea of hopelessness, they bring more beauty in our communities and on our streets, beautifying the cities and the counties even more.

An added plus that MUST be mentioned is, The Flowerpot Project effectively addresses the three “Bs” (our babies, butterflies, and bees), which are all needed for the future of mankind. We will put in the pots flowers which draw especially pollinators. Their world is also being traumatized by our lack of proper care. 

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